Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Resources for Coping with the Ohio School Tragedy

Coping with trauma is difficult for everyone.  Even if you were not directly affected by this tragedy, it may make it harder for you to deal with traumatic events and stress of your own that you have experienced.  At this time, SAMHSA would like to offer support to everyone affected in any way.  If you  or someone you know may need resources for dealing with trauma, please pass along the following information from the SAMHSA website:

If you or someone you are close to are experiencing distress and need someone to talk to immediately, please call the Disaster Distress Helpline (DDH) via phone 1-800-985-5990 or text ‘TalkWithUs’ to 66746.The helpline is dedicated to providing disaster/trauma crisis counseling, operates 24 hours-a-day, seven days a week and is free and confidential.
If you or someone you are close to are having a difficult time or want to know how to help someone that you care about, visit the following links for information that might be helpful Resources include tips for emergency respondersstudentsschoolsadults, and families.